There are individuals and companies that have made an extra effort to assist us with building and enhancing our agency. But for individuals and companies listed below on our Wall of Heroes, we would not be on course to accomplish our mission.
We thank all of our amazing volunteers, to our Wall of Heroes, we offer an extra special thank you. Heroes, to add additional content to your page, please click here (please note, access to this page requires a free membership account. To join please click on the membership icon in the header).

2020 Volunteers of the Year
We didn't plan to have two Volunteers of the Year, but because of the tremendous commitment and hard work of these two volunteers, we have decided to make an exception for 2020 by awarding our Hotline Directory Volunteer of the Year Award for 2020 to two exceptional people:
Robert Robinson, Manager of Our Database Team & Cecelia Templeton, Manager of our Outreach Team
Thank you for the countless hours you have donated of your time to our agency,
Thank you for the high caliber of your work
Thank you for taking the time to train other volunteers
Thank you for going way above the call of duty in all aspects of your volunteerism
Your volunteer work in 2020 was exceptional and our agency will forever be in your debt.
<p class="font_8"><strong>VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR 2020</strong></p>
Cecelia Templeton
Managing Volunteer
HelpUnited Website Design & Database Build
Cecelia has been volunteering for our agency since 2019. She is a student at Brandeis University. Cecelia has done an incredible job, taking the initiative to dedicate tons of her time to building the HelpUnited website and the HelpUnited custom database, which turned out to be and continues to be a complex task We thank Cecelia for her heroic commitment to our agency.
Hero Award Date
Project Website
July 9, 2020 at 5:08:31 PM
Justyn Fizgerald
Volunteer Coordinator
Coordinator of New Volunteers
Justyn has been with our agency for over 6 months. Her original role was to assist with designing brochures and other print materials. Given that she is a high school student, we have been very pleased with her commitment. For this reason, in May 2020, we asked her if she wanted to fill a newly created position, Volunteer Coordinator. Justyn jumped into the position with both feet and has put tremendous effort into a very difficult role. Given that we have over 60 volunteers - and only volunteers managing other volunteers, keeping everything organized requires patience and organization. Justyn's work is exceptional!!!
Hero Award Date
Project Website
July 9, 2020 at 5:35:07 PM
Huizhe Zhu
Managing Volunteer
Database Coordinator & Volunteer Manager
Sunny joined our team in 2019 as a database volunteer. Because of her skill and experience, she soon had #4Help correcting and updating the way we added data about hotlines, helplines and chat lines to our master database. After a few months, Sunny agreed to take on a manager's role, assisting with the development of an updated training program for our Database Team volunteers. We would not have accomplished as much as we did during our first year in operation, but for Sunny's hard work.
Hero Award Date
Project Website
July 9, 2020 at 5:19:04 PM
Parvathy Sarma
Managing Volunteer
HelpUnited Outreach Team Coordinator
Parvathy is one of our agency's first volunteers, and she has been with us longer than any other volunteer. She has been tasked with coordinating our first, full-scale boots on ground, outreach project, National Hotline Volunteers Month ("NHVM"). Parvathy has taken on this tremendous responsibility and has never wavered from working towards our goal of recruiting 200 high schools, with at least 10 students per high school, to assist us by distributing NHVM materials in their areas during the month of October 2020. Parvathy is an amazing person indeed!
Hero Award Date
Project Website
July 9, 2020 at 5:12:18 PM
Jon Ruscoe
Managing Volunteer
Database Coordinator & Volunteer Manager
When Jon started volunteering for our agency, we could tell right away that he was a special person. His kindness and genuine personality could not help but shine through. Once he made it very obvious that his skills were worthy of a managerial role, he was promoted to his present position. We are very fortunate that Jon chose to volunteer for the Database Team. He has and continues to play a critical role at #4Help.
Hero Award Date
Project Website
July 9, 2020 at 5:24:22 PM
<p class="font_8"><strong>VOLUNTEER OF THE TEAR 2020</strong></p>
Robert Robinson
Database Manager
Added thousands of hotline, helpline and chat line services to our database and trained a team of volunteers how to use our systems.
Robert has been the best database team member volunteer. We know that his fellow volunteers agree with this assessment. Robert does not follow the "do as I say" rule of management. Robert is old school - "do as I do... and try to keep up with me. We are very fortunate that Robert agreed to volunteer for us, back in 2019. He has singlehandedly made our Hotline Directory much better than it would have been but for his help.>
Hero Award Date
Project Website
December 26, 2020 at 9:46:03 PM